Friday, February 23, 2018

Day 17--At Home Class

Hide and Seek Monsters: Victorian Monsters in Movies

Pick one of the following monsters, read the attachment and write a 200 word analysis of how these elements are (or are not) found in monster movies from 2 distinct decades.  This will require you to do detective work.  You will have to look up the movies if you are not familiar with them.  You will also need to use evidence from the reading to support your claims (prove that you have read it).

I would recommend the following structure:

  1.  How the monster seen in Victorian times
  2. Movie 1--similarities and differences and why (cultural differences in the times?)
  3. Movie 2--similarities and differences and why (cultural differences in the times?

Discussion for next time: why have these monsters remained so common in our culture despite over 100 years of change?

Note: TV shows are fine too.  Buffy did a good one on Frankenstien and Buffy itself is all about Vampires.  I'm pretty sure that Smallville had a few episodes that were similar to Jekyll and Hyde.  Also movies that mixed them like The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Van Helsing.  

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