Blog Post Grading Criteria:
Why is it important to understand theory before delving into topics of fear and horror?
Psychoanalysis Part 1
- Is it adapted to blog style? (10 pts)
- Is it focused on a specific idea? (20)
- Does it provide specific evidence? (20)
- Does it explain the evidence and the argument? (20)
- Is it providing an original idea or engaging in an argument in a thoughtful and innovative way? (10)
- Is it easy to follow? (10)
- Is it free of grammar and mechanical errors? (10)
Why is it important to understand theory before delving into topics of fear and horror?
Psychoanalysis Part 1
- Writers of the 1970s who turned to Freud and Lacan - the two most influential psychoanalysts - we- re critical, however, of what they perceived to be an underlying essentialism in Jungi- an theory, that is a tendency to explain subjectivity in unchanging, universal terms.
- According to Freud, large parts of human thought remain unconscious; that is, the subject does not know about the content of certain troubling ideas and of- ten much effort is needed to make them conscious
- These ideas have also influenced film study and some psychoanalytic critics explore the 'unconscious' of the film text - referred to as the 'subtext' - analysing it for repressed contents, perverse utterances, and evidence of the workings of desire.
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